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Cosmic Variance

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Climate Model, Galaxy Spiral Arms, The Sun and Dark Matter

The title of this post suggest a Theory of Everything, and indeed I have a theory that explains everything in a flawless manner, without the exotic explanation of dark matter or super string brane damaged worlds.

Lubos, an intelligent young man from Czech that looks like going to waste his lifetime in the hopeless crackpot theory of super strings, Posted some comments on a CERN experiment to find out how cosmic rays affect the cloud formation on earth.

That experiment is a waste of time and public money. We all know cloud formation is all a matter of relative humidity and temperature only. If humidity is not high, no cloud can form and any cloud that forms will promptly be evaporated again. Besides clouds form at low atmosphere, cosmic rays are mostly stopped at high atmosphere and seldom reach the vicinity of the surface, should it be otherwise we will all be bombarded by deadly cosmic radiation and no life could exist.

A high energy physicist worth his/her salt should know how Wilson Cloud Chamber works. The humidity must be saturated to allow the Wilson Cloud Chamber to work. Knowing that along rules out cosmic ray, or any charged particle radiation, as a factor in creating any persistable cloud in the sky.

Some scientists argued about a correlation between the earth's ice age and the period the solar system crosses into and out of the spiral arms of the milkway galaxy. Such correlation is completely correct. But the cosmic ray explanation is WRONG.

The fact that we observe galaxy spiral arms in telescopes means more lights are emitted from the spiral arm part of the galaxy. Since lights are emitted by stars only, this can only mean one of two things, either the stars happen to be more closely packed within the spiral arm, or individual stars simply shine brighter when they happen to be in the spiral arms.

The closely packed star explanation can be ruled out, consider that stars keep crossing into and out of spiral arms, but yet the spiral arms persisted in its shape, and rotate at way much slower angular speed around the center of galaxies, in comparison to rotation of stars. We know the rotation of spiral arms are extremely slow, or even not rotating at all, because if they rotate any faster, the shape will wind up and dissipate after just a few turns of rotation. That's because outer part and inner part should rotate at different angular velocity to counter the effect of gravity from the center of the galaxy.

The only correct explanation remains is that individual stars do shine just a bit brighter while they are in the spiral arms. That brings in another speculation. The void of the universe is not void at all, but is filled with extremely dilute hydrogen gas and other materials. These hydrogen gas gets sucked into galaxy centers in a swirling fashion, creating a spiral arm structure, where there are more hydrogen within the spiral arms.

Stars constantly exchange its hydrogen content with its surroundings and they reach an equilibrium. As a star travels in and out of spiral arms, the amount of hydrogen sucked onto and repeled from the star gets modulated, this modulation is what causes the brightness of stars to fluctuate. When it replenishes more hydrogen from the spiral arm, the hydrogen fuel burned a bit faster ad the star is a bit brighter, and when hydrogen gets depleted as it travel outside the spiram arms, it burns less hydrogen and shines less brighter.

Change of the solar radiation directly causes the warm up and cooling down of the earth climate, causing an ice age cycle which is in sync with the crossing of spiral arms.

Now, another commonly accepted notion of the solar model must be defeated. The sun is NOT mainly composed of hydrogen, but of heavier elements like iron. If the sun is mainly hydrogen, then the exchange of hydrogen with the srrounding would be too insignificant to cause any observable effect. In fact, the bulk of the sun is probably iron and other common heavy elements found in meteorites. The hydrogen and helium we observed, is merely the top layer of the sun. We could not observe the interior of the sun directly and could not detect what is in the interior.

But the interior MUST be heavy elements. We know it because the sun and the planet were formed from the same blob of gas and dust cloud a long time ago. Why would heavy and rocky elements be ejected to outer layer and form the solid planets, while the lighter elements, the hydrogen gas, would sink and condense in the center to form the sun? It does NOT make sense. Heavy elements and meteorite pieces would most likely sink into the interior of the sun, and form its core.

Once the core is formed, due to its heavy mass, the sun is able to trap enough hydrogen from its surroundings to start the nuclear reactions. Mean while, lighter planets could not trap and sustain hydrogen in their atmosphere because their gravity fields are too weak. Heavier planets, like Jupiter, do have strong gravity field and are able to trap a substantial amount of hydrogen. So we though these planets are gaseous, but internally, these giant planets, just like the sun, is maining composed of irons and other heavy elements.

Very diluted hydrogen and other elements fills all the voids of the universe, and accounts for the bulk of the mass of the universe and that of the galaxies. That totally removes the need of the exotic dark energy and dark matter explanation. Dark matter is not needed. The dark matter is nothing but invisible hydrogen gas.

For the solid sun model, see also Dr. Oliver Manuel:
The surface of the Sun
Dr. Olive Manuel

Cosmic Variance,
(The authentic one, versus the Gang of Four which studies
the main stream crackpot cosmic theory)


At 5:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a load of old bollocks!

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the hell do you get all this bullshit from???? don't you have anything better to do?

By the way, I'm waiting for you!

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Cris Smith said...

It is reasonable to say, the larger the scale of a given phenomenon, the larger the impact of that phenomenon's influence in larger regions. While I have my own theory governing the affect on clouds, I am thinking the orientation within the orbit around Sagittarius A would yeild dynamic effects that are far more gradual due to extrapolation of the impact over the greater field of influence, pertaining to the influnce of the source phenomenon, if identified. I think the outward thinking is on the right track, but when it comes to understand the potential influx of gaseous matter, the premis is way off.

At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try but you wouldn't pass the physics tests. Your comprehansion is housing some mini black holes.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why would heavy and rocky elements be ejected to outer layer and form the solid planets, while the lighter elements, the hydrogen gas, would sink and condense in the center to form the sun? It does NOT make sense."

That's right, that doesn't make sense, and isn't what happened in theory.

Hydrogen was present throughout the cloud that formed the solar system, and in vastly greater abundances than all the other elements as is common in the universe. Which is why the sun, and the gas giants, are all mostly composed of hydrogen. Smaller bodies were unable to hold on to hydrogen in their atmospheres.

The non-sun mass is negligible. If you took all the mass of the solar system outside the sun and put it in the sun the sun's mass would increase by less than a quarter of a %. If you only added the non-hydrogen mass it would be much less than that as the non-solar mass is dominated by the gas giants in particular Jupiter, which are mostly hydrogen. So the tiny amount of non-hydrogen mass we see outside the sun poses no problem.

And of course the sun does contain heavier elements, and these are expected to concentrate in the center (in fact with very strict separation by mass). However, this is at the concentrations expected from the general relative abundance of these elements, plus what the sun has been fusing itself.


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